
“Scott, is a dedicated, hard working, fair minded individual, that I’m proud to call a friend.”
Sam Alonso – Mayor, Village of Reminderville

“I am pleased to endorse Scott Barr for the position of At-Large Council representative for the City of Twinsburg. I have total confidence in Scott’s ability and his commitment to serve the residents with integrity and professionalism.”
Katherine Procop – Former Mayor, City of Twinsburg

“Having served in various municipalities in the capacity of police officer and fire fighter, in addition to serving Twinsburg on various boards and commissions, Scott Barr has the knowledge and experience to best serve as our next councilman at large.”
Sam Scaffide – Twinsburg City Councilman, Ward I

“Scott was a very reliable officer. Dealt with the serious situations very well. Very professional, worked well with people and knew how to handle himself. I was very sorry to lose him to the private sector.”
Christopher Kostura – Police Chief, Orange Village Police Department

“Scott Barr shares a passion and a common vision for creating positive change in Twinsburg.  His strong business and law enforcement background sets him apart from the other candidates.  For these reasons, I am endorsing Scott Barr for the position of At-Large Councilman”
Ted Yates – Mayor, City of Twinsburg

“Scott will be a great addition to city council!  He has done a great job on the environmental commission and I am sure he will do the same representing the  entire city!”  
Seth Rodin – Twinsburg City Councilman, Ward 5

“I am pleased to endorse Scott Barr for City Council. With his experience and passion for the City of Twinsburg I am confident he will do what is in the best interest of the residents.”
Maureen Stauffer – Twinsburg City Council, Ward 4

“Scott’s positive energy and dedication, along with his experience, make him an excellent candidate for City Council. I’m happy to endorse Scott Barr.”
Jo-Ann McFearin – Twinsburg City Council, Ward 3

“I am proud to endorse Scott Barr for Twinsburg City Council at Large. As a former peace officer, Scott understands the significance of protecting and serving the community and our children. Additionally, his service on committees of city council has allowed him to gain valuable experience in understanding our city government. His background will be beneficial in responding to the needs of our citizens. I wholeheartedly support his candidacy and encourage you to vote for him on November 7th.”
Mark Curtis – Twinsburg City School Board

“I highly recommend Scott Barr for Council At Large for the City of Twinsburg. Scott is
currently on the Environmental Commission and I can personally attest to his strong community
involvement. He exhibits a remarkable balance of attention to the concerns of Twinsburg and
can govern to a variety of people and personalities.”
Dr. Daisy P. Walker – Chair – Twinsburg Environmental Commission

“Scott joined the board of the Ethan’s Green Homeowners Association while I was serving as president, and I had the privilege of working with him for several years. He was a valuable member of our team and could be counted on to do his research and come well prepared to all meetings. Whenever he took on responsibility, it was handled in a prompt and competent manner. I valued his calm approach to difficult situations as he was always able to carefully consider both sides of a problem and make insightful suggestions to help resolve the issues at hand. I believe he would be a valuable addition to Twinsburg City Council and would represent the residents of the City of Twinsburg in a caring and capable manner, always willing to examine the issues at hand and listen closely to the public’s questions and concerns.”
Geni Spera – Former President Ethan’s Green Homeowners Association

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